2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

MEMORY: Predictably Forgettable Liam Neeson Thriller

In Memory, Liam Neeson plays an aging hitman with early onset Alzheimer’s. If you take out Liam Neeson, and just have that one simple pitch line, that actually could make for an intriguing movie. But Neeson is there, and given that Memory is a 2022 movie, you can pretty much figure out what kind of […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

BLACKLIGHT Review: Liam Neeson Limps His Way Through Another Lackluster “Action” Movie

If you would have told me watching a 69 year old Liam Neeson limp-run and slow-fight his way through Blacklight, his latest action thriller, would be a painful experience, I would have said, yeah, that sounds about right. Liam Neeson is not the young man he once was. He’s not even the middle-aged or just-over-middle-aged […]
