One quick note before getting into the recap. On a bit of a time crunch this week, so this will be shorter than most recaps. Only going to hit the main points, and not much else, unfortunately. Should be back to the usual next week.
Reward Challenge
Divided into two teams of five, four of each make way through obstacle course while carrying a disk with a ball balanced on top. The fifth player throws the ball to knock down four targets. They’re playing for a pizza and beer reward.
There are only 11 players, leaving one player to sit out. The odd player out gets to pick a team to back. If that team wins, they join on the reward. Santoni draws the white rock, sitting out.
Anela is the thrower, with Kiran, Shaun, Anesu, and Nicole running the obstacle course.
Chappies is the thrower, with Renier, Wardah, Amy, and Tyson doing the obstacle course.
Santoni backs the Orange team, who ultimately wins.
Any Survivor fan knows these rewards are prime spots for an idol or advantage or clue or something different. But poor Santoni suggests to everyone to start looking for something. Renier ends up finding a clue to an idol. The clue indicates the idol is hidden at Immunity Island. Now these six have even extra incentive to win the next immunity challenge. The one wrinkle is that you must stay and play in order to have the chance to search for the idol.
Because competing alliances were present at the reward, everyone back at camp knows about the idol. Immunity Island is going to be very interesting. Depending who goes to the island, they may make the alliance choice and keep their vote. If they’re someone in the minority, the temptation to take the assured safety might prove too strong.
Immunity Challenge
Nico shows the players a sequence of colored blocks, with the players having to recreate the correct sequence from memory, adding one block at a time. Just like the first immunity challenge, it comes down to Anesu and Kiran, with Kiran winning his second consecutive immunity.
Kiran sends Wardah to Immunity Island.
Immunity Island
When Wardah arrives at Immunity Island, the choice seems easy for her. She chooses to keep her vote, giving up the guaranteed immunity and the chance to look for an additional idol. With such a slim numbers advantage, this was really the only decision to make.
Amy tells Anesu about the idol clue found at the reward, which apparently Anesu had not been clued in on. Anesu has been feeling a bit on the outs of her alliance, and this only serves to add to that. Anesu doesn’t want to flip just yet, at least in terms of her vote. But she does reassure Amy that she wants to help Amy’s alliance advance further in the game.
Kiran wants to vote out Anela, viewing him as the centerpiece of that alliance. But Santoni pushes back, not seeing Anela has a strong player. She wants to vote out Shaun instead. Kiran realizes how insecure Santoni is feeling, so he is willing to back her plan. He knows he’ll have to vote her out at some point, and this might be one extra step to making that easier, as she’ll be less likely to see it coming.
Shaun speaks to Santoni about joining them to vote out Wardah. Santoni is receptive but doesn’t tell him affirmatively one way or the other.
Tribal Council
Wardah gives the Immunity Island necklace to Tyson, protecting him from the vote. Santoni sticks with her alliance, sending Shaun to the jury.
Tags: Survivor, Survivor SA, Survivor South Africa