Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 5 Recap: “The Strategist Or The Loyalist”

After a rough/so-so start to the season, Survivor 41 now has two consecutive strong episodes. Last week still stands out as the best so far, but this week was no slouch either. Though it wasn’t without its flaws. Well, one flaw, really. And it didn’t really come into play, but it’s now set up to […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 4 Recap: “They Hate Me Because They Ain’t Me”

Now that’s what I’m talking about! This week’s Survivor was, in a word, fantastic. And it’s obvious why this fourth episode was so much stronger. For the first time this season, no new twists or advantages were introduced, and advantages played a minimal role overall in the episode’s events. Which meant the cast – this […]

2021 Movie Reviews New Releases

NO TIME TO DIE Review: The Sendoff Daniel Craig Deserves

James Bond is arguably the most important movie series in my life. It’s what really started to stoke the flames of my love for movies. As a young seven or eight year old coming off the high of Goldeneye, it absolutely blew my mind to find out there were 16 other James Bond movies. And […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 3 Recap: “My Million Dollar Mistake”

Oh boy. What are you doing, Survivor? You have this dynamite cast, full of big, fun characters. And what do you do? You hamstring them by filling the game with twists and advantages that you seemingly need a doctorate to fully keep up with. Now, I love a good twist as much as anyone. But […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 2 Recap: “Juggling Chainsaws”

If you could choose for a Survivor season to have a dynamite cast but no (or at least limited) twists or an average-at-best cast but lots of twists, what would you choose? If, like me, you prefer the former, you likely join me in your disappointment with Survivor 41 through two weeks. This cast feels […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Premiere Recap: “A New Era”

Survivor is back! Well, the U.S. version, that is. International has been rolling along with a fantastic South Africa season, and an extremely up and down – but ultimately satisfying – Australian season. So even with more than a year separating the Winners at War finale and this Survivor 41 premiere, the excitement levels were […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV South Africa Season 8 - Immunity Island Survivor Survivor South Africa

‘Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island’ Finale Recap

Well, we made it to another Survivor finale. Australian Survivor finished earlier this week, and now Survivor South Africa closes the book on their return. Different as these two seasons may be, it’s been nothing short of fantastic having this amazing show back in our lives. How did Immunity Island finish up? Does challenge beast […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 6 - Brains V Brawn Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn’ Finale Recap

This is it, folks. The Australian Survivor grande finale! Through all the twists, shifting alliances, great strategy and bone-headed moves, we’re finally at the end. This season has been mostly lots of fun. The twists have by and large not worked…at all. But the characters and flashes of brilliant strategy make up for that. Immunity […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV South Africa Season 8 - Immunity Island Survivor Survivor South Africa

‘Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island’ Episode 15 Recap

Chappies Kitchen is still operating in full force. After his foraging was fully brought out into the open at Tribal, he decides there’s no reason to stop now. If he can keep giving himself small advantage after small advantage, he’s going to do that. And hey, it’s been working so far. Why stop now? The […]

2021 Movie Reviews New Releases


I recently watched one of Netflix’s new original movies, Afterlife of the Party, and I need to talk about it. While it may not necessarily be a traditionally “good” movie, it affected me in a way no movie has in a long time. Maybe in a way no movie ever has. To be up front, […]
