2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

X Review: Ti West’s Triumphant – And Gory – Return To Horror

It’s 1979 and you’re in rural Texas shooting an adult film. You rent out a guesthouse on the farm of an elderly, possibly senile, couple, and you hide from them what you’re really there to do. What could go wrong? Well, a lot, actually, if you’re the film team in X, the latest from Ti […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

DEEP WATER Review: What If GONE GIRL Sucked?

Deep Water is a lot of things. A “good” movie is not one of them. But a “fun” movie? Well, kind of. And yet I somehow still kind of had a good time watching it? It’s weird. It doesn’t really fit into the “so bad it’s good” category. Lots of the technical aspects are well […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 42 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 42’ Premiere Recap: “Feels Like A Rollercoaster”

Survivor is back! But to be honest, I’m decidedly less excited than I normally am. To be fair, though, it’s still Survivor, so excitement levels are high. But after the twist-filled, somewhat-of-a-letdown season in 41, combined with how easily Australian Survivor (coverage now on Talking Llama!) and Survivor South Africa are outpacing the flagship US […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 6 Recap

Episode 15 Lava After Mel’s boot, Michelle knows she has work to do. Being the second half of the split vote, it makes sense that she would be the next target. But Mel called out Josh as the leader of the power alliance. That’s where Michelle thinks she has to focus her work. However, Josh […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

FRESH Review

This review is going to be a little different. I always think you should go into a new movie knowing as little as possible, just what’s in the trailers (though they seem to be getting worse with how much they give away) and maybe a quick plot description. If you want less than that, more […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases


Nobody will disagree that Batman is one of the most iconic and well-known characters of any medium. It’s a rich character with countless storylines to pull from and adapt and a rogues gallery that can go toe to toe with anyone. And it’s this history and familiarity that makes it both easy and difficult to […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 5 Recap

Episode 13 Merge! Ah, the merge. A staple of any Survivor experience, playing, or to a much, much, much smaller extent, covering the show. The time for alliances to be the put to the test as new relationships form. And there’s the added layer of the Blood V Water theme, with four pairs left along […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 4 Recap

Episode 10 Blood Some of the guys are starting to peg Shay as the next possible boot. But Nina has been working with her, and wants to continue to do so. Nina wants to push Mel’s name instead of Shay. Mel’s smart and knows the game, and she won’t work as a physical shield like […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

DOG Review: Sometimes The Old Tricks Work Just Fine

We all know the saying, “A dog is a man’s best friend.” And it tracks. Dogs are the best. And they show time and again that they just might be too good for us. Well that notion is put to the test in the aptly named Dog, the Channing Tatum-starring buddy road trip comedy-drama – […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

UNCHARTED Review: Fun Adventure, But Fails To Find Its Own Identity

Uncharted is the latest foray into the all-encompassing “video game movie” genre. It’s a genre littered with less-than movies that failed to live up to their fans’ expectations. The seemingly best result you can hope for these days is “fun.” And to be fair, that’s not the worst way to describe a movie, but ideally […]
