2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

AMBULANCE: Michael Bay’s Best Movie? Michael Bay’s Best Movie

Michael Bay has an iconic (okay, sure, iconic only to some) filmography. Armageddon, Bad Boys, The Rock, Transformers, the list goes on. And you can add Ambulance to the list of insane Bay movies. But what’s perhaps most interesting is that Ambulance is actually a pretty good movie. And not just “good for Michael Bay” […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 42 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 42’ Episode 5 Recap: “I’m Survivor Rich”

Ika The group tries to smooth things over with Rocksroy after he was blindsided at the vote. He seems to jump back on board, though he doesn’t really have much choice at this point. But Tori is all the way out on Rocksroy. Even more, she just might be all the way out on the […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Finale Week/Week 10 Recap

Episode 23 Lava Coming back to camp, Chrissy is beyond giddy. She’s top five, Mark needlessly played his idol, and she has three tight relationships, with Mark, Josh, and KJ. She’s been a great social player all game, but hasn’t done much, if anything, in the challenge or strategic areas. But a dominant social game […]

2022 Movie Reviews New Releases

MORBIUS Review: Sony’s Latest Marvel Offering Has No Bite

“Unfathomably incompetent.” That was my initial thought once the credits started to roll on Morbius. Lazy, bland, surface level at every turn. I think the “bland” note is what I keep coming back to the most. Nearly every decision made in Morbius was the most obvious, boring decision that could have been made. (Matt Smith […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 42 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 42’ Episode 4 Recap: “Vibe of the Tribe”

Vati Back at camp, Daniel realizes how poorly (to put it nicely) Tribal Council went for him. Chanelle reveals that Daniel told her about Mike’s idol – something that Mike wasn’t aware of. Hai may have had the vote go his way, but that doesn’t mean he feels any better about his place in the […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 9 Recap

Episode 21 Lava Back at camp, Josh owns up to Mark about voting for Sam. He gives his reasoning as thinking the best possible result was Sam’s idol being out of play. Mark rebuffs with “The best result was Jordie goes.” Yeah, that makes sense for Josh, but for Josh alone. That’s never going to […]

Movies & TV Oscars

2022 Oscars Preview, Predictions, And Gambling Picks

It’s Oscars time, folks! And that means it’s time for one of my favorite posts each year, the preview! As always, this doubles as a gambling preview. The site I typically bet through, Bovada, only posted odds for 12 categories. I filled in the rest from MyBookie, with only Editing not listed on either as […]

2022 Movie Reviews Movies & TV New Releases

THE OUTFIT: Taut Thriller Will Keep You Guessing

When you think of a thriller or mystery, you probably imagine one big, central mystery that every event in the movie leads up to. The tension builds and builds until it reaches an explosive climax. And when it’s done well, it’s great. There might be smaller reveals along the way, and that’s all well and […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 42 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 42’ Episode 3 Recap: “Go For The Gusto”

Taku After returning from Tribal, the group of four is in good spirits. Even more so when Maryanne – unprompted – reveals her extra vote. The trend continues. The next day they go group idol hunting and Maryanne finds the Beware Advantage. Her phrase is “It’s another classic case of the bunny rabbit having dinner […]

Australian Survivor Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 7 - Blood V Water Survivor

‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 8 Recap

Episode 19 Lava The tribe discusses the players returning from Purgatory, rightfully scared of the Jordie, Shay, KJ trio. Jordie is still out for blood against Sam, wanting payback for Jesse. Revenge is always a tricky motivator on Survivor, but luckily for Jordie, Sam is the biggest threat remaining. However, they’re still only three against […]
