Camp After being left out of the last vote, Romeo has to play nice with the rest of the tribe. He also has damage control to with Hai, with Romeo’s sole vote for Hai causing some friction. Romeo denies this to Hai, but Hai is able to figure it out. But it maybe isn’t all […]
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT: Nicolas Cage Is Back, Not That He Went Anywhere
Is there anyone better suited to play a parody of themselves than Nicolas Cage? The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent would argue no, and I don’t see any choice but agree. From his collection of over the top roles to his very real over the top lifestyle and spending habits, Cage’s life and career seem […]
‘Survivor 42’ Episode 8 Recap: “You Better Be Wearing A Seatbelt”
Camp Chanelle bemoans the fact that she was on the wrong side of the first merge vote. She talks to Hai to hopefully firm up their relationship. Hai tries to calm her fears by telling her it was the last minute scrambling, that he didn’t leave her out on purpose. To her credit, Chanelle recognizes […]
The Fantastic Beasts series has always been an odd one. Harry Potter is a massive franchise (breaking news, right?), so of course Warner Bros was going to make a spin-off series. And there were plenty of stories and characters they could have chosen to explore. But going the Newt Scamander and Fantastic Beasts route was […]
‘Survivor 42’ Episodes 6 & 7 Recaps: “You Can’t Hide On Survivor”/”The Devil You Do Or The Devil You Don’t”
Vati Mike comes back to camp upset with Chanelle for the safety vote she threw his way. He tries to claim he’s passed it, but he tells us in a confessional that it’s all for show. He’ll sticky with Hai and Lydia, but his relationship in the game with Chanelle is done. Ika Over at […]
AMBULANCE: Michael Bay’s Best Movie? Michael Bay’s Best Movie
The fact that Ambulance can, to some extent, be considered a restrained effort from director Michael Bay really says something about Bay’s body of work and reputation. Now, just exactly what it says can be left up to interpretation. But it definitely says something. But let’s be perfectly clear about something here: in a vacuum, […]
‘Survivor 42’ Episode 5 Recap: “I’m Survivor Rich”
Ika The group tries to smooth things over with Rocksroy after he was blindsided at the vote. He seems to jump back on board, though he doesn’t really have much choice at this point. But Tori is all the way out on Rocksroy. Even more, she just might be all the way out on the […]
‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Finale Week/Week 10 Recap
Episode 23 Lava Coming back to camp, Chrissy is beyond giddy. She’s top five, Mark needlessly played his idol, and she has three tight relationships, with Mark, Josh, and KJ. She’s been a great social player all game, but hasn’t done much, if anything, in the challenge or strategic areas. But a dominant social game […]
MORBIUS Review: Sony’s Latest Marvel Offering Has No Bite
“Unfathomably incompetent.” That was my initial thought once the credits started to roll on Morbius. Lazy, bland, surface level at every turn. I think the “bland” note is what I keep coming back to the most. Nearly every decision made in Morbius was the most obvious, boring decision that could have been made. (Matt Smith […]
‘Survivor 42’ Episode 4 Recap: “Vibe of the Tribe”
Vati Back at camp, Daniel realizes how poorly (to put it nicely) Tribal Council went for him. Chanelle reveals that Daniel told her about Mike’s idol – something that Mike wasn’t aware of. Hai may have had the vote go his way, but that doesn’t mean he feels any better about his place in the […]