Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Finale Recap: “One Thing Left To Do…Win”

After 19 long months, U.S. Survivor finally has a new champion! Erika Casupanan has broken the streak of six male winners, also becoming the show’s first Canadian winner. And she did so in a dominating fashion, winning by way of a 7-1-0 vote over Deshawn and Xander, respectively. She may not jump off the screen […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 12 Recap: “Truth Kamikaze”

Back at camp after the Liana vote, the tribe decompresses after the intense Tribal Council. I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like coming back to camp after that. It had to be exhausting, probably a little cathartic as well. We see several snippets of conversations between various players, and it’s clear […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 11 Recap: “Do Or Die”

There’s really only a few things to discuss from this week’s Survivor. Ricard is (at least for now) in the power position, everyone continues to forget that Xander has both an idol and an extra vote, and Danny may be getting the beginning of a winner’s edit. Danny spends a few minutes talking us through […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 10 Recap: “Baby With A Machine Gun”

First thing’s first, Happy Thanksgiving! With that in mind, I will try (big emphasis on “try”) to keep this week’s Survivor recap brief (relatively speaking). Get you in, get you out, get you back to family, food, and football. With that in mind, I’m going to set this up a little different than normal, and […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 8 Recap: “Betraydar”

Coming off the heels of their successful Tribal Council performance, Evvie and Xander are riding high. But it’s short-lived, as Xander isn’t too thrilled about learning Evvie spilled the beans to Deshawn about his idol. And the Yase group of Tiffany, Xander, and Evvie seems to be all but over. And what follows is a […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 7 Recap: “There’s Gonna Be Blood”

Okay, Survivor, here’s the thing. If you have to open an episode with a “Previously on” segment recapping all the idols and advantages currently in play in the game, THEN THERE ARE TOO MANY ADVANTAGES AND IDOLS CURRENTLY IN PLAY IN THE GAME. But the worst part about it is that it was extremely helpful. […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 6 Recap: “Ready To Play Like A Lion”

As much as I love Australian Survivor, one of the weakest aspects of any season is inclusion of non-elimination episodes. So when Jeff Probst popped on screen halfway through this week’s episode to inform us there would be no vote, I was less than enthused. The vote-out is the signature moment of each episode, of […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 5 Recap: “The Strategist Or The Loyalist”

After a rough/so-so start to the season, Survivor 41 now has two consecutive strong episodes. Last week still stands out as the best so far, but this week was no slouch either. Though it wasn’t without its flaws. Well, one flaw, really. And it didn’t really come into play, but it’s now set up to […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 4 Recap: “They Hate Me Because They Ain’t Me”

Now that’s what I’m talking about! This week’s Survivor was, in a word, fantastic. And it’s obvious why this fourth episode was so much stronger. For the first time this season, no new twists or advantages were introduced, and advantages played a minimal role overall in the episode’s events. Which meant the cast – this […]

Episode Recaps Movies & TV Season 41 Survivor U.S. Survivor

‘Survivor 41’ Episode 3 Recap: “My Million Dollar Mistake”

Oh boy. What are you doing, Survivor? You have this dynamite cast, full of big, fun characters. And what do you do? You hamstring them by filling the game with twists and advantages that you seemingly need a doctorate to fully keep up with. Now, I love a good twist as much as anyone. But […]
