I’m going to do things off a bit differently this week, and head straight to the immunity challenge. It’s a nice, long, physical challenge, ending with a classic Survivor slide puzzle. It’s here we see something that I don’t think has ever happened before in Survivor history. Now I could certainly be wrong, but I cannot think of a […]
Category: Survivor
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “A Giant Game Of Bumper Cars”
We open with Lavita discussing the extra vote back at camp. Kellyn admits to everything, that the extra vote was hers and that she voted twice for Laurel. Laurel is of course uneasy about it but still feels fairly comfortable. She believes her relationship is still strong with Dom and Wendell and is thankful that […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “The Finish Line Is In Sight”
The episode begins with Wendell singing the praises of his ally Laurel, apparently one of the best kept secrets on the island. He knows his best strategy is keeping this secret alliance just that – a secret. As far as he (and we) can tell, nobody knows about the Wendell/Dom/Laurel/Donathan alliance. That’s an impressive feat, […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “It’s Like The Perfect Crime”
Big move-itis, noun: The (often incorrect) feeling in Survivor that you need to make big moves in order to win the game; said big moves must be made at the first possible opportunity; making a move for the sake of making a move. Big move-itis has felled more than its share of Survivor castaways and it added another to […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “The Sea Slug Slugger”
After last week’s fantastic merge episode, I was worried we might be in for a bit of a letdown. And, well, we were and we weren’t. What we got was a completely middle of the road episode of Survivor. Which, given the circumstances, I’m totally okay with. It would be hard to expect the producers to […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “Fear Keeps You Sharp”
Ah, merge week. Often the best – or at least one of the best – episodes of every Survivor season. And boy did this episode deliver. It was the Chris vs. Dom battle from beginning to end. And there was no beating around the bush with this one. Both were completely out in the open with […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Post-Merge Preview
Well, we made it. We’re at the Ghost Island merge. As much fun as the first half of the season has been, now the real game begins. Let’s take a look at where the game could be headed moving forward. If you’ve been following our fantasy game, I included a fantasy-centric post-merge preview in the Episode 7 […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “Gotta Risk It For The Biscuit”
I was all in for this episode as soon as I saw the title. I don’t know how it started, or when, but I say “Risk it for the biscuit” a lot. Maybe not a lot, depending what that actually means, but I’m quit certain it’s more than the average person. It’s just a goofy, […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “Fate Is The Homie”
Probably not how you expected this recap to start, huh? But I can only assume this is what was going through Des’s head when she gives us the title quote “Fate is the homie.” And any time I get to include a Coolio reference, I’m coolio with that (okay, yeah, that was bad, but it […]
‘Survivor: Ghost Island’ Recap: “A Diamond In The Rough”
As we always do, we start at Malolo, right after they voted Brendan out. Not much of note happened in this opening scene. But Bradley has taken note of Michael being more of a threat than he initially thought. No time is wasted as we head straight into the reward challenge, playing for coffee and […]