‘Australian Survivor: Blood V Water’ Week 9 Recap

Episode 21


Back at camp, Josh owns up to Mark about voting for Sam. He gives his reasoning as thinking the best possible result was Sam’s idol being out of play. Mark rebuffs with “The best result was Jordie goes.” Yeah, that makes sense for Josh, but for Josh alone. That’s never going to get Mark back on your side.

Jordie is stoked about finally getting Sam out, and without even playing the idol. But now he has to worry about Mark having two idols. He also knows it’s the end game, and he’s liable to get voted out any time he doesn’t win immunity. With Josh just now flipping, Jordie works to pull him in closer. Thinking they’re both seen as big challenge threats, they may need to work together to get to the end.

Mark talks to Josh, under the guise of wanting to repair their working relationship. But it’s really just to get Josh comfortable with him, and then using Josh as a shield, painting him as the strategic leader and biggest threat left.

Reward Challenge

The reward challenge is pretty simple. They hold onto a rope and lean back out over the water. Last one standing wins a trip to the Survivor Spa. And in a completely uninspired decision, Jonathan tells them that the winner will get to choose two other players to accompany them. Why? Why do that? A huge part of the strategy is prioritizing who you choose. It takes away a huge opportunity for someone to make a great or terrible choice.

Immediately upon hearing that last part, Chrissy, Shay, and KJ turn to each other and say they’ll take each other, a little girls trip. I get the allure of it, but that is so short-sighted. If you think that’s the best strategic pairing, then sure, go for it. But if the only reason is to have a night away with the girls? Absolutely ridiculous at any point in the game, but especially when it’s this deep into it.


It gets down to Josh, Shay, and Jordie. They agree to take the three of them. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but Josh and Jordie jump in, making Shay be in the position to choose. One of them could have won, and kept the heat off Shay. If this was to put her in the spotlight, it’s a great move.

On the bench, KJ tells Chrissy she’ll tell Shay to her face “I’m done with her” (if she breaks the promise). Get over yourself. It’s a reward. Get pissed off, fine. But this is not reason enough to break a relationship. Not even close. But on the flip side, Shay has to realize what breaking that kind of promise can lead to.


Josh is on again that Mark not playing the idol showed he didn’t trust him. But Josh voting for Sam is a pretty obvious breach of that trust? I just don’t get the reasoning here.

The three of course discuss end game plans. It’s actually pretty reasonable and agreeable. The don’t promise each other top three, but they do agree to keep the targets off each other for at least the next vote. Ideally Mark won’t win immunity, and the can split on him and Dave.


Even though the girls’ promise wasn’t based on anything, this can be an opportunity for Mark to find an inroad, and get himself some protection. Dave brings up the same point I had above, that Josh and Jordie set Shay at the reward challenge. A shrewd move like that could be just another reason to get rid of Jordie.

Immunity Challenge

They race up a net to collect a bag of sand bags, which they carry down the other side and through a series of obstacles. They toss the bags into a barrel, to lower the barrel to the ground. In the barrel are the pieces for the final word puzzle.

Josh wins.


Josh has now switched his Sam idol plan to Mark. He wants to work with Mark, but wants to get rid of the idol. Again, I get the point, but if you have a real working relationship, the idol shouldn’t really matter. If Mark still has an idol at the last chance to play it and is immune, do you think he’s going to play it for someone who has been constantly trying to flush it? He wants to have his cake and eat it too, but you often can’t in Survivor. Josh wants the Mark/Dave vote split, which then allows he and Chrissy to swing the vote either way.

Meanwhile, Dave keeps working the Jordie angle with KJ, Chrissy, and Mark. But Mark isn’t so sure. He wants to play with who he can trust, but he knows those options are limited right now.

Tribal Council

Mark plays his idol. It negates three votes, which would have been enough, because the remaining four votes result in a 2-2 split between Jordie and Dave. Dave goes home on the re-vote with only KJ voting for Jordie.

Episode 22


Jordie talks to KJ after KJ voted for Jordie. She says she got duped into thinking he was the primary plan. He then slips in another mention of Mark’s second idol. He (rightfully) won’t let it go. Sooner or later (probably much sooner if Mark doesn’t win the next immunity) Mark’s going to have to reveal it.

Mark talks about voting out Dave because he had stepped his game so much recently. Who cares? Jordie has been killing it for much longer. Go after him. And now Mark also has Josh to deal with, who all of a sudden is living up the threat everyone thinks of him as.

Speaking of threats, Jordie gets a confessional running through his resume, talking himself up. It played to me as either a preview for a winning Final Tribal or the words of a man whose time will soon be coming to an end.

Immunity Challenge

The players race through a series of obstacles, before using a rope swing to get to a frame. They use two rungs to climb up the frame. At the top they untie to release a ladder, which they use to climb up and over a tower, where they collect a chest of puzzle pieces to build a vertical puzzle.

At the puzzle, Chrissy gives up on her own and starts helping Josh. It seems to pay off, as Josh wins immunity again.


Jordie once again has to make a pitch to vote out Mark. He goes to KJ and Shay about re-upping the Purgatory 3 to join with Josh to put four votes on Mark.

And right on cue, Mark gets to work on finally getting rid of Jordie once and for all. Mark also wants to hang onto his idol, to guarantee his spot in the final four. But he has to be able to fully trust Josh in order to do that. And he’s not sure he can do that.

Tribal Council

Mark plays his idol, but this time it wasn’t needed, as Jordie is unanimously voted out, with his vote going to Shay.


Just two episodes left, we’re into the finale week! Mark is the only one left of the earlier “only they can win the game” players. But Josh had a great week, and is in a good spot. I’d be surprised if someone other than Josh or Mark wins, but it’s still Survivor. As we saw in season 1, you need to play the game all the way through Final Tribal. Can’t wait and we’ll see you then!

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