UNCHARTED Review: Fun Adventure, But Fails To Find Its Own Identity

Uncharted is the latest foray into the all-encompassing “video game movie” genre. It’s a genre littered with less-than movies that failed to live up to their fans’ expectations. The seemingly best result you can hope for these days is “fun.” And to be fair, that’s not the worst way to describe a movie, but ideally […]

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MARRY ME Review: It Has Nothing To Say, But At Least It Has J. Lo

Marry Me is a ridiculous movie. A world-wide superstar singer, Kat Valdez (Jennifer Lopez), and her world-wide superstar singer fiancé Bastian (Maluma) are getting married mid-concert, in front of millions of fans across the world. But when Kat learns Bastian has been cheating on her with her assistant only moments before the two are set […]

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BLACKLIGHT Review: Liam Neeson Limps His Way Through Another Lackluster “Action” Movie

If you would have told me watching a 69 year old Liam Neeson limp-run and slow-fight his way through Blacklight, his latest action thriller, would be a painful experience, I would have said, yeah, that sounds about right. Liam Neeson is not the young man he once was. He’s not even the middle-aged or just-over-middle-aged […]

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